Home Birth - Would you, Could you? & A Beautiful Home Birth Story

Choosing where to birth your baby is one of the biggest decisions you will make during your pregnancy.

In NZ, we have the choice to give birth at a primary birth unit, at our local hospital or in our own home. We are very privileged to have midwives who are able to practice in any of these settings. There is no charge to you as the midwife claims directly from the government on the women’s behalf.

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A midwife’s philosophy is that “for well women, birth is a normal, healthy, active process that in the majority of cases does not require medical or technological intervention. Furthermore, we believe that birthing women and their partners have the right to retain ultimate control over their birth and the decisions which affect them and their bodies”(Waikato Home Birth Association, 2003)

There are still so many conflicting opinions surrounding home birth, with the majority around the safety of both mother and baby. The second being not having access to pain relief e.g. an epidural.

So, why do women and their partners (if applicable) choose home birth?

  • A desire to stay in their own, familiar environment. The comfort of their own home. The desire to stay at home if there are other siblings present

  • A fear of hospitals - either around past experiences/memories, or a belief that hospitals are for individuals who are sick and/or require medical treatment

  • Concerns around unnecessary medical intervention, about being on the ‘clock’ to birth on arrival to hospital

  • Hospitals are busy places, therefore the potential to have lots of unfamiliar faces during their birth is probable and this is not something they want to have occur

  • A desire to birth without the use of medications - however, they may choose to accept them more readily if they are available to them in this setting (remove the temptation)

  • A birthing pool is available to set up wherever they choose (lounge by the fire/outdoors on deck surrounded by nature)

  • They have done their research and have made an informed decision

Advantages of a home birth?

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  • For a normal labour to progress, the environment in which she labours is important so that labour is able to progress without interruption (e.g driving to hospital)

  • The feeling of security in an environment which is familiar. Privacy - the ability to be able to move around when and as you please - both in and outdoors

  • Your LMC (midwife) will be there for you once you are in established labour until after the birth. In NZ, you will have a second midwife attend for the second stage of labour

  • Less intervention. With the right education and support, you will be encouraged to believe in the birthing process, to listen to your instincts and work with your body to give birth

  • Bonding - A greater opportunity for the family to be able to bond. No moving wards/rooms and being able to be tucked up in bed, or on the couch with your new baby is a huge advantage.

  • The feelings of elation once you have birthed your baby as you have wished. Full participation in your birth experience with your support team by your side leaves immense feelings of satisfaction. The most used phrase I hear at a home birth is: “I can’t believe I did it!”

  • Participation with siblings and as many family members as you wish

How do you find a home birth midwife? Click here for the ‘Find a Midwife’ website. Select your region, click on the list of midwives and see if they offer home birth as an option. You can also visit the website of Homebirth Aotearoa here

Preparing for a home birth click here

Recommendations for preparing for a home birth:

  • HypnoBirthing Classes - great for those who are fearful or anxious about birth. Lots of relaxation techniques taught as well as philosophy for aiming for a normal, physiological birth where possible read more about HypnoBirthing here book classes here

  • Books! Educate, educate, educate yourself! A good list of book recommendations here

  • A great midwife with whom you have a natural rapport with and trust 100%

  • Hire a birth doula! For continuous emotional and physical support measures

  • Listen to home birth podcasts, watch positive births

  • Reach out to Homebirth Aotearoa here

  • Practice affirmations - make them in the present tense e.g. “I am, I have”

  • Practice antenatal yoga (online or join a class)

  • Create a vision board with images and words of how your home birth will unfold

Recommendations for items to have at your home birth:

  • Essential oils (make sure they are good quality, pure and organic) & a good quality diffuser (see my Aromatherapy page for recommendations)

  • Homeopathic remedies - seek the guidance of a qualified, registered homeopath. These can be helpful in stop/start labours & for mental/emotional support

  • Bach Flower essences - Great for mental/emotional support. If you could only have one flower essence, then don’t be without Rescue Remedy!

  • Affirmation cards/posters

  • Playlists - make a few: upbeat music to relaxing/soothing music

  • A certified birth doula! Doula’s are trained to support you (and your partner if applicable) physically and emotionally. Most have extra qualifications & credentials e.g Spinning Babies, massage or in holistic health. A birth doula helps you to get through the intense moments, guiding you to find your inner strength. We are also practical so can help with snacks/drinks/cleaning up/assisting when required. Read more here

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As a birth doula, I love the atmosphere of a home birth. To observe an undisturbed labouring mother, comfortable in her own environment who draws on her powerful instincts and reserves to birth her baby is incredible to witness. She finds something within her that she didn’t know existed, or doubted the existence. The moment she holds her baby for the first time makes everyone cry in the room!

It is the biggest privilege as a birth doula, to be welcomed into the birthing space of a person (or couple) who have not only wholeheartedly invited you, but placed their trust in you. It is one of the most incredible relationships you can form, and many become good friends or stay in touch with me over the years, which is heart warming.

As a birth doula for Natalie & Dan, this is her recount of their home birth (May 2021):

Our natural, home water birth experience

A home birth was not exactly something I had ever considered, especially not for my first baby, but after meeting my midwife, Gail, who specialises in home births I started doing my own research and quickly realised how safe and how special they are. My partner and I were very excited at the idea.

We signed up for a Hypnobirthing course, I read book after book, watched and listened to lots of positive home birth videos and podcasts, in which only had me feeling more and more sure a home birth was exactly what we wanted.

We also decided we really wanted a Doula for extra support, especially because this was our first birth. This is where we found Angela 💕

Giving birth is hard and this was not an easy day (not in the slightest) but I prepared myself as best as I could, knowing I would be challenged in a way I never new possible.

I truly believe that all the preparation leading up to our birth, the safe environment in our home and our incredible birth team (in which we very carefully selected) played a huge part in why we had the birth we had hoped. This was the most positive, beautiful experience that we will cherish forever.

Special Midwife Mention - Gail Kiss

Thank you to the beautiful couple below who allowed me to photograph their birth and use their photos for this blog. I am forever grateful x


Considerations Before Inviting Someone Into Your Birth Space


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