Female Reproductive Health - Balance, Order, Rhythm & Harmony: Using the Sympto-thermal method (Avoid OR Achieve Conception)

As an accredited Natural Fertility Educator (with NFNZ) my role is to educate individuals, couples and even community/church groups about using the Sympto-thermal method (or also referred to as STM) to help to achieve a pregnancy or to use the method to avoid conception (pregnancy). Furthermore, I teach natural fertility/fertility awareness for those who may not want or need to use the STM method for contraception purposes or to achieve a pregnancy, but rather, enjoy being educated about their reproductive health.

I have clients in this bracket who simply want to learn for themselves whether they are ovulating and if so, when? Is it possible that they are having anovulatory cycles (not ovulating?). They may suspect PCOS and seek our support to see what fertility charting reveals for them. I see individuals and couples as young as 18 right through to mid-late forties.

Learning about your reproductive health allows you to be empowered when making decisions in relation to your health and wellbeing. Being an educator is a privilege and a role that I get much satisfaction from - I never get tired of teaching and the ongoing learning that comes with this role. So, without further ado, allow me to start by quickly dispelling the TOP myths surrounding the use of the Sympto-thermal method!!

Top Myths about the Sympto-thermal method:

  • It is the same as the rythm/calendar method

  • It is the same as the Billings method

  • It is not effective

  • It is time consuming

Top Truths about the Sympto-thermal method:

  • It is the most effective NFP (natural family planning) method currently available

  • Unlike the Billings method which relies only on the observation of cervical mucus to detect pre-ovulatory fertile days of your cycle as well as ovulation, the Sympto-thermal method involves taking the changes in the basal body temperature and combining it with one or more indicators of fertility (as described further below)

  • The Sympto-thermal method has a perfect use rate of 99% and typical use rate at 98%. Perfect use means the user is using the method as taught to them correctly ALL of the time whereas typical use is what generally happens in real life and takes into account human error. Read more here: https://naturalwomanhood.org/unpacking-the-effectiveness-range-of-fams-given-by-the-cdc/?fbclid=IwAR1BU49sAfdQMp-Fx85IiWZnbM674lq0XrZ4e2Kt6xJa_MDLJMxHq_p5Tqo

  • The sympto-thermal method requires you to take your basal body temperature via a thermometer every AM upon waking (typically taking 1-1.5 mins) and the observation and awareness of cervical mucus and vaginal sensation throughout the day. Both the temperature and cervical mucus observation/vaginal sensation awareness are recorded on a chart.

Learning the STM for Fertility Awareness can look like any or a combination of the below:

  • You may wish to use Natural Family Planning (NFP) to avoid pregnancy, by charting your fertility and then abstaining from intercourse on potentially fertile days

  • You may wish to use NFP to achieve a pregnancy by identifying the most likely time for conception

  • You may wish to chart your fertility and use a barrier method (condom) during the fertile time as your chosen method of contraception (known as fertility awareness with barriers or NFB)

  • You may wish to chart your fertility for self-awareness to help with PMS, or to help identify possible reproductive disorders (PCOS, Endo) in conjunction with a holistic health practitioner e.g. a Naturopath, Homeopath or Acupuncturist

  • Return to fertility for those who are postpartum/breastfeeding

The Sympto-thermal method defines fertility by TWO MAIN INDICATORS:

  1. Cervical mucus and sensation changes which reflects the rise in oestrogen, indicate that ovulation may be about to occur, provide a suitable environment for sperm transport and survival

  2. A rise in basal body temperature (BBT) which occurs about the time of, or just after ovulation and reflects a rise in progesterone

However, there is another sign which can be used as a back-up to the main two indicators. The cervix. The cervix can change position, openness and texture under the influence of the hormone, oestrogen. Fascinating stuff!

What else can you find out about your reproductive health/menstrual cycle using the STM method?

  • The length of your cycle

  • The length of your luteal phase (second half of your cycle from the first high temperature recorded to the day before your next period commences). We are able to pick up luteal phase defects (which is vital if trying to achieve a pregnancy). Luteal insufficiency is when the luteal phase is 9 days or shorter in length

  • If you are ovulating, and if so, regularly? (through multiple charts to observe regularity)

  • If you are ovulating, where in your cycle this has likely occurred

  • Potential thyroid issue/disorder (determined by your basal body temperature)

  • You are able to determine whether you are pregnant before you take a pregnancy test

  • Whether or not you are producing fertile cervical mucus

Did you know that your fertility educator can:

  • Write letters to your GP to inform them that you are learning the STM method?

  • Run community education and in school education (for those that offer these additional services). We can even host education evenings for you and your friends!

  • Can refer you to fertility specialists, holistic health practitioners and nutritionists

  • Support you through the transition from contraceptive pill use/IUD/Depo/other contraceptive methods to being able to learn and use the STM method confidently

Interested in learning the STM for yourself? You will be learning these skills for life!

As your educator, I am accredited through NFNZ which ensures thorough training and clinical supervision as well as retaining membership through this organisation: https://www.naturalfertility.co.nz/find-an-educator/

Want to learn more about becoming an educator with NFNZ? Click here: https://www.naturalfertility.co.nz/become-a-fertility-educator/

Happy future charting!


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