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Seed Cycling For Hormone Health & Balance

Seed Cycling?

A practice which claims (and is backed up by many holistic practitioners) to sort out the likes of premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, and general hormonal balance. The idea that eating certain seeds at certain times helps to regulate hormones? So does it?

The suggestions around seed cycling are that certain types of seeds (pumpkin, flaxseed, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds) work by helping to regulate the levels of oestrogen, progesterone and other sex hormones. By synchronizing your consumption of various seeds with the phases of your menstrual cycle, it can support/improve and relieve hormone-related symptoms e.g. PMS, PCOS, irregular periods, hot flashes, and increase your level of well-being overall. There are several claims/thoughts/beliefs that seed cycling can help you to conceive.

Let’s look at a typical seed cycling protocol:

You eat two tablespoons of ground seeds every day. You can mix the seeds into a smoothie or sprinkle them on your cereal/porridge. Whilst conversing with Naturopaths about this topic, they have all told me that the seeds should be raw and freshly ground.

Phase One: This phase - which is for two weeks, you eat a tablespoon of flaxseed and a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds (boosts oestrogen).

Phase Two: This phase - which is also for two weeks, you eat a tablespoon of sunflower and sesame seeds (boosts progesterone - the feel good hormone and the hormone required to ‘hold’ a pregnancy).

If you are menstruating, you would start phase one (pumpkin and flaxseeds) on the first day of your period and then move to phase two (sunflower and sesame) on day 14.

However, if you are no longer menstruating or have anovulatory cycles (no ovulation), you can start phase one on the first of the month, changing to phase two halfway through. A good friend synchronizes their seed cycling to the phases of the moon. She begins phase one on the new moon and switches to phase two on the full moon. She assures me she doesn’t howl at the moon…..


During a menstrual cycle that unfolds as it should, your oestrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall in a (usually) predictable rhythm, but as you approach perimenopause and menopause, your hormone levels begin to fluctuate more erratically. After menopause, production of both hormones settle and do so at a remarkably lower level.

Theoretically, seed cycling is believed to either enhance or inhibit the production of oestrogen and progesterone in the body (depending on what is needed). So therefore, phase one and phase two of the seed cycling program balances and optimizes your sex hormones, relieving the symptoms due to hormonal imbalance.


If you are menstruating, expect to see the benefits after 2-3 cycles. If you are not ovulating (depending on reasons behind why you aren’t) then up to 6 months. In conjunction with herbs, supplements and homeopathics, a good 8-12 months of seed cycling is enough to improve your chances of conception.


Yes, absolutely. Even for the benefits of fibre and essential fatty acids in the diet (not to mention a great vitamin and mineral boost). I have to say, I see the benefits in my clients and even for myself. It isn’t harmful, break the budget too much and isn’t time consuming, so even if there is not enough research or science which can/can’t tell us a solid yes or no yet, then why not try it and see how it may help you?