Homeopathy For Morning Sickness

Pregnancy is a huge event in one’s life which comes with excitement, worry, anxiety, thinking & planning, choosing antenatal care providers, which bassinet/pushchair/carseat…… and for most, nausea and vomitting arrive along with the line indicating that you are pregnant on the test.

Nausea can be infrequent, popping up now and then and be unpleaseant, or it can be persistant all day, coupled with excess saliva, a metallic taste in the mouth, retching and vomitting, to hyperemesis gravidarum (a very severe form of pregnancy sickness which is severe nausea and vomitting - causing dehydration, dizziness and loss of weight - even hospitalisation).

Apart from the old tried and true remedies such as sipping ginger ale, ginger beer, nibbling on plain crackers or sweet plain biscuits…. what else can you do?

Here is where I am thankful for homeopathic remedies, which many midwives also swear by. They are safe, gentle and they DO work. I have heard everything from “tried homeopathics and they did nothing” to “tried one or two and it didn’t work”. When digging deeper, I have discovered that they took a ‘combintion’ homeopathic remedy (which has 4-5 of the most popular remedies) but unfortunately, the remedy that they would have responded to was not included. This is why it is always in your best interest to seek the advice of a qualified homeopath, describe your symptoms and let them prescribe accurately for you. This can all be done in 15 minutes, tops! If the first remedy only alleviates for a short period of time, or not at all, then we know our second choice that we had in mind is likely to hit the nail on the head. The thing with homeopathy is that it is very individualised - it is not a one fits all style of support!



1) Nux vomica - When symptoms are WORSE in the morning. You will feel bloated, suffer constipation, be retching (with dry heaves) and feel HUNG OVER. Your mental state will be irritable, sensitive to noise/lights/smells. You want to get on with life, but the constant sensations of nausea keep you lying still.

2) Sepia - When symptoms are WORSE in the evening, around dinner time (6pmish) and the symptoms get worse as the evening goes on. You will also have bloating, constipation but feel totally exhausted and everything worsens with the sight/smell/taste of meat. You crave lemonade or lemony drinks. Your mental state will be irritable too BUT especially with partner and children and feel overwhelmed by responsibility.

3) Colchicum - When symptoms are WORSE in the evening, but may also occur during the day. There will be nausea AND vomitting WORSE by any motion at all. You will also be very, very sensitive to smells. You will be worn out by caring for others and any sleep deprivation will aggravate your nausea/vomitting.


4) Arsenicum - Key note here is worse from 1am - 3am, but you can feel weak and depleted all day long. You can have simultaneous vomitting with diarrhea. When vomitting, you break out in a cold sweat. You are likely to be VERY anxious with the effects of the nausea and vomitting, worried about yourself and baby. You will be so anxious that you are hesitant to eat for fear of nausea/vomitting, to the point that you work yourself up in a state.

5) Ipecacuanha - WORSE in the morning on waking that lasts ALL DAY long. Worsens from heat (sun/open fire or stuffy room), worse with rich foods and by leaning forwards. You will have NO thirst and a mouth that is always full of excess saliva. Mentally/emotionally you are hard to please - not knowing what you want.


I suggest 200c potency for pregnancy as this tends to match the intensity of the symptoms experienced by healthy, vibrant women (if they were not ill!). Using the correct potency will result in a faster action. If you can only find a 30c potency, this is still okay, you just need to repeat more often, which is not great when you aren’t feeling the best.

I prefer pilules over liquid as most individuals cannot tolerate the taste of liquid. To take the homeopathic remedy: place 2-3 pilules under the tongue and let dissolve (don’t touch the pilules, pour into cap of bottle then place under the tongue). WAIT for 15 minutes. If the feelings subside then you DO NOT need to repeat.

If you feel improvement and the symptoms return, then repeat. Sometimes it takes 2-3 doses to get the full effect. Stay with this remedy if it is working. However, when you no longer feel any change then you may need to try another remedy. This is where it is handy to have a qualified homeopath at the ready!


Dehydration: Often dehydration goes alongside morning sickness. To counteract dehydration and assist your body in rehydrating, you can take 2-3pilules of Phosphoric acid 200c, once a day for 3 days. Of curse, stick with water and electrolytes if required (coconut water is great).

**As always, this is written to be informative and never to replace any medical advice or to replace seeking any medical care at any time. It is wise and highly recommended that you do not self-prescribe and to seek the advice from a qualified homeopath where possible.



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