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Homeopathy and Reproductive Health - Exploring PCOS

Apart from PMS, painful periods and/or irregular menstrual cycles, PCOS is one of the prime reasons clients seek out my support as a Homeopath. Individuals usually don’t find me themselves, but are referred to me from those who have had much success with using Homeopathy (coupled with lifestyle changes & supplements). This article focuses mainly on the use of using homeopathic support and has been written from a ‘homeopaths perspective’.

Let’s first explore PCOS.

The incidence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is rising day by day and coincides with high infertility rates. PCOS is primarily an endocrine and metabolic condition commonly seen in association with failure to ovulate regularly, and hyperandrogegism. A patient is defined as having PCOS when two out of three of the following criteria are met:

  • Oligoovulation or anovulation

  • Clinical and/or biochemical hyperandrogensim

  • Polycystic ovaries (diagnosed with ultrasound) and other endocrine disorders excluded (Trickey, 2011)

PCOS occurs when there is an overgrowth of the ovarian tissue that forms water-filled cavities known as cysts. Many such cysts are formed in the ovaries, hence multiple cavities are formed. The result is that the maturation of the ova is arrested so that there is no ovulation in an individual with PCOS. Rather than maturing, the ova form cysts, and patients tend not to ovulate. The result? The cycle becomes anovulatory.

There are many theories and factors that can result in the development of PCOS.

  • Genetic predisposition - If there is a first-degree relative who has PCOS, you are almost 50% prone to developing the condition.

  • Pituitary Ovarian Dysfunction - Certain aetiological factors are also well established in a female with PCOS. Stress, strong emotions: fear, depression and anxiety or any chronic emotional situation - as the hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis becomes disturbed, and the female can develop PCOS.

  • High levels of prolactin - Can contribute to PCOS.

  • Thyroid Dysfunction - TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) have a similar structure and can mimic each other. If the individual has thyroid dysfunction, she usually has some type of menstrual complaint as well.

The following can lead to the development of PCOS:

  • Adrenal hyperplasia

  • Ovarian tumours

  • Insulin sensitivity

Signs & Symptoms of PCOS:

Menstrual Irregularities - The most common indicator. Presenting as amenorrhoea (absence of menses) or oligomenorrhoea (irregular menses)

Infertility - Due to an anovulatory cycle

High BMI (Body mass index) - Usually above 30, with up to 60% of females being above optimal weight recommendations

Skin Complaints: Acne to dark pigmentation of the skin, especially around the neck

Hirsutism - The presence of hair growth (usually excessive) on the face or chest

What can you do to help yourself?

  • Weight control is essential for the correction of hormonal imbalance and to decrease insulin levels. Ovarian hyperactivity decreases and an overall response to treatment plan improves. Although I don’t specify specific diet/nutrition plans - it is sensible to say that cutting out sugar is imperative. Lara Briden says in her book: Period repair manual (2018) that “Every time you eat something sweet, you’re pushed deeper and deeper into the weight gain, acne and hirsutism of PCOS”.

  • Reducing intake of carbohydrates and increasing protein in your diet

  • Exercise - Sensitising your muscle to insulin. “12 weeks of strength training can improve insulin sensitivity by 24 per cent” (Briden, 2018)

  • Avoid hormonal birth control if possible - Hormonal birth control has been shown in one study “that after just three months on hormonal birth control was enough to worsen insulin resistance in women with PCOS” (Briden, 2018)

3 Key Homeopathic Remedies that are beneficial for PCOS (and only to be prescribed by a registered Homeopath):

Folliculinum - An excellent remedy where PMS, pre-menstrual migraines and weight gain (particularly where excessive hunger and eating) occurs in the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle (if menstruating). Everything is aggravated before menses and much improvement with exercise and fresh air. If menstruating, your mood is likely to significantly improve after the third day of menses. Interestingly, you are likely to find aggravation of symptoms at the time of ovulation (e.g. acne/irritability).

Sepia - Irritability is the key word here! Indifference and detachment from family members particularly! Lack of controlling temper. PMS, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhea, being averse to company and ameliorated by being alone. Craves sweets, better for exercise. A key note for this remedy is a bearing down sensation or as if the pelvic contents will prolapse.

Pulsatilla - Changeability is the key word for this homeopathic remedy. Emotional, yet very changeable. Weepy one moment and irritable the next! A strong desire for reassurance and consolation. One of the main homeopathic remedies for almost all forms of menstrual issues from amenorrhoea to menopausal hot flashes. Headaches/migraines occur before menses. Worse stuffy rooms and heat, better for open air. Tends not to be a ‘thirsty’ person (thirstless).

Further Homeopathic Remedies beneficial for PCOS (and only to be prescribed by a registered Homeopath):

  • Calc carb, Thuja, Graphites, Silicea

  • Sulphur, Belladonna, Lachesis

  • Lycopodium, Kali carb, Phosphorus

  • Nat mur, Carcinosin

Homeopathic Tissue Salt beneficial for PCOS (and for general reproductive health/menstrual cycle/disorders in general):

Combination N Tissue Salt - Contains: Calc phos, Kali mur, Kali phos, Mag phos) - For headaches, bloating, cramps. More on tissue salts here:

How can a Registered Homeopath help support you with PCOS?

An initial appointment is approximately 1.5hrs where you will be asked questions about your overall health and family health history, your symptoms, what aggravates and ameliorates your symptoms, your sleep, diet/nutrition and emotional health. There is a focus on what your symptoms are & any ‘key note or unusual symptoms’ that you are experiencing. Homeopathy is individualised, so what might work for one individual probably (& most likely will not) work for another. Your homeopath will prescribe on your presenting symptoms. You will be given your own prescription & administration instructions. Your homeopath will check in with you soon after and a follow up is strongly advised.

What are the 3 physical indicators that show us (and you) that the Homeopathic treatment plan is working for you?

First Indicator - Menstrual cycle: First and foremost you will either get a period or if you are already menstruating (most likely irregularly) your cycle will become more regular. This is the primary sign that there is improvement. Interestingly, it is the one thing that surprises (and brings joy) to women the most, especially for those who have not menstruated in a very long time!

Second Indicator - Pain with Menses (period): While uncomfortable for the individual - this is a very good indicator because painful menses indicates that ovulation is occurring. It is a myth that because you have a period, then you have indeed ovulated. But… while we don’t like to think of pain as a good thing, we do view pain (at least initially) to be a good thing here - this is a positive indicator of a cycle/cycles becoming ovulatory.

Third Indicator - Skin/Weight - Acne should improve as will sebum output (oiliness of the skin). Acne becomes less angry and inflamed. Weight should begin to stabilise.

What else do we look for?

  • Regularity of the cycle, duration, amount and colour of the menstrual flow

  • We ask that you have another follow up ultrasound pelvic scan in approx 6 months time - specifically looking at ovarian volume and follicle count. A healthy scan result comes about only when the harmony of hormones are restored - likely to be 6 months to a year.

  • Mental/Emotional Improvement - Mood/Anxiety/Depression and level of improvement (a Homeopath never looks at physical complaints/symptoms in isolation alone)

Final Note:

A registered homeopath understands what/how/when to use homeopathic remedies. A homeopath has a tailored treatment plan specifically for YOU. For some individuals improvement is noticed fairly soon and in others it can be months. There can never be an immediate improvement, nor should you expect there to be one. Change needs to occur on a deep level, therefore time, with the right homeopathic treatment will bring about improvement.

Further and recommended reading:

Lara Briden - Period Repair Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Better Periods

Ruth Trickey - Women, Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle

Fiona McCulloch, N.D - 8 Steps to Reverse your PCOS


Adrenal hyperplasia - A group of genetic conditions limiting hormone production in the adrenal glands

Aetiological - Causing or contributing to the development of a disease or condition

Amenorrhea - The absence of menstrual periods. The most common cause is hormone disruption

Anovulation - The lack or absence of ovulation (release of an egg)

BMI - Body mass index is a persons weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in metres. Used as a tool to help identify if you may need support in relation to body weight management

Hyperandrogenism - Androgen excess: a common endocrine disorder in females of reproductive age

Oligomenorrhea - Irregular or inconsistent menstrual blood flow in a female

Oligoovulation - When ovulation occurs infrequently or irregularly (usually classified as having eight or fewer periods a year)


Briden, L. (2018). Period Repair Manual Every Woman’s Guide to Better Periods. Australia: Pan Macmillan Pty Ltd.

Trickey, R. (2011). Women, Hormones & the Menstrual Cycle. Victoria, Australia: Trickey Enterprises Pty Ltd.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to replace medical advice. All information in this article is for informational purposes only. No material in this article is intended to be a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician/GP/Specialist with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.