Bespoke Births NZ

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Benefits of having a Waterbirth

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water” - Loren Eiseley

I have had the privilege of attending a number of waterbirths as a doula over the last few years, and the option to choose to birth in water has become more popular than ever before. I can absolutely see why.

Humans are inspired by water. We love swimming in it, playing in it, walking through it, body surfing/surfing/windsurfing, laying about, boating…. the list goes on. We are also curious about birthing our baby in the water and evidently, the choice to do so is not seen as so unusual or ‘hippy’ as it may have been 20 years ago.

The first waterbirth was reported in literature in 1805 in a French medical journal. By 2020, there have been over 500 scientific studies in all areas of the globe (, 2021)

Are you curious about having a waterbirth?

Women who make an informed choice to have a waterbirth should be given the opportunity to do so by a midwife (LMC) who has the appropriate knowledge base (NZCOM, 2015)

Research recognises that waterbirths facilitate:

  • Greater comfort and motility

  • Reduces pressure on the abdomen

  • Helps the birthing mother to conserve energy

  • Promotes deeper relaxation

  • Minimises pain (less requests for pain relief)

  • Easier breathing

  • Easier second stage of labour (pushing)

  • Decreases perineal trauma

What exactly is a Waterbirth?

A waterbirth means you give birth to your baby fully submerged in water. If you are at home or in a birthing centre (in NZ), you are able (LMC willing) to have a waterbirth. There is defined criteria which you must meet in order to do so, and if you choose to, waterbirth certainly is a great option. Your LMC always monitors the health of yourself and your baby and if a waterbirth is no longer feasible at any time during your labour or birth, you will be asked to get out of the water.

Further reading: Seven Secrets of Successful Waterbirth

Why I love Waterbirths:

As a doula I have seen the vast number of benefits of those who choose to birth in water. The biggest benefit I see is the ability to fully relax (even deep relaxation). Coupled with the benefits of Hypnobirthing, using just breath and water eases anxiety, discomfort, fear and doubt. The most moving part of a waterbirth is seeing the baby being born and brought straight up to the mothers chest, by the mother herself - sometimes the partner (if applicable). Unless there is a reason to do so, the LMC stays hands off and allows the mother to be the first to touch her baby. I love how the midwife quietly and confidently observes the birth process. Never interfering, no coaching, just a few quiet words of encouragement, allowing the process to unfold.

“The mother’s internal environment takes on new meaning within these discoveries. The water aids and enhances the mother’s ability to focus on the birth process, connect with her baby and remain in a blissful state”

To find your midwife:

Recommended reading & viewing:

For parents: Free online course

Why choose water?


The Association of Pre & Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH), March 2021

NZCOM Consensus Statement: The Use of Water for Labour and Birth (July, 2015) (2021)