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Bach Flower Essences - Emotional Support you never knew existed

It is our emotions that are the conduit for our thoughts, attitudes, ideas and the behaviour and how we express the nature of our personality. Our character is defined by our emotions and shaped by how we engage with life, and how life engages with us. Our emotions are present in the womb, and as we enter the world, go through life and when we leave it. And yet, we all too often ignore the impact of emotions on our health and our life too” - Lynne McWhinnie

Let me begin…with a little history…..

Bach (pronounced as “bark” or to others as “batch”) Flower Essences:

“Thus, behind all disease lies our fears, our anxieties, our greed, our likes and dislikes. Let us seek these out and heal them, and with the healing of them will go the disease from which we suffer. The mind being the most delicate and sensitive part of the body shows the onset and the course of disease much more definitely than the body, so that the outlook of the mind is chosen as the guide as to which remedy or remedies are necessary” (Edward Bach, The Twelve Healers, 1933)

Between the years 1930 and 1936, Edward Bach (M.B, B.S, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, D.P.H) found, perfected and put into use a system of medicine as simple as it has proved effective (F.J Wheeler, The Bach Remedies Repertory, 1952). It was Dr Bach that taught the the basis of disease was to be found in disharmony between the spiritual and mental aspects of a human being.

Each patient must lead his own life and learn to lead it in freedom. Each person is a different type, a different individual, and each must be treated for his personal mood and the need of the moment - not just for his physical disease.

What are Bach Flower Essences (or remedies) and How do they work?

There are 38 remedies, each for a specific emotional and mental state, plus a combination of five of the remedies designed for difficult and demanding situations , which he named RESCUE REMEDY.

37 of the remedies are based on singe wild flowers and tree blossoms, with one essence:Rock water which is from the water of a natural spring renowned for its healing properties.

The Bach flower essences work specifically on the emotional state of the individual. For example, two people might have the same complaint e.g headache. One person might be irritable with their headache and the other person might be feeling depressed and anxious with their headache. So different flower essences will be appropriate for each person. The key is individualisation (much like Homeopathy). “The effect of taking the remedies is not to suppress negative attitudes but to transform them into positive ones, stimulating one’s own potential for self-healing and freeing the physical system to engage fully in fighting disease and stress. Many of us go through times of difficulty and fatigue when negativity creeps in; at these times the remedies are invaluable in restoring the balance before physical symptoms appear” (The 38 Flower Remedies, 1995).

The Rescue Remedy is the most well known and popular product in the Bach Flower essence range. Used for shock, fear of dentists/public speaking/funerals to being an aid for the birthing person during their labour and birth, this formula remains popular for a good reason. It can even be used for pets and plants! Sounds crazy? Perhaps..but isn’t it great that crazy is possible! No side effects and is safe to be taken during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding. Can be taken alongside prescribed medications.

** A note on the alcohol content of Bach Flower essences: If you cannot have alcohol or wish to avoid alcohol, please add x4 drops of your chosen formula to a hot cup of water or tea (this evaporates the alcohol).

Dr Bach divided the 38 remedies into 7 groups - representing fundamental conflicts which prevent us from being true to ourselves:

  • Fear

  • Uncertainty

  • Insufficient interest in present circumstances

  • Loneliness

  • Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas

  • Despondency or despair

  • Over-care for the welfare of other

Which Bach Flower essence/essences are right for me? How do I know? In choosing your flower essence/s, try to find the ‘root’ cause of your problem. Use your intuition (yes, we are all intuitive to one degree or another) to work out whether the remedy indication applies to the type of person you are as well as the current state of mind you are in. For example, for resentment (Willow), for fear (Mimulus or Aspen), for stuck in the past (Honeysuckle).

How long should I take Bach Flower essences for? The time taken for the remedies to have a noticeable effect varies according to Individuals and circumstances. For example if you wake up with a typical ‘Monday morning’ feeling, then a few drops of Hornbeam flower essence in water should enable you to shake off that feeling and face the day. On the other hand if your emotional state is more deep-rooted, it may take days or weeks before you notice a real difference and perhaps the flower essence Mustard would be more appropriate. Bach flower remedies work undramatically and gently, the change occurs at a natural pace to which people easily adjust. It is usually the people around you who notice the changes before you do!

The 38 Bach Flower Essences according the 7 emotional groups are: (Note: The qualities listed first are the troublesome emotions/feelings you would like support with and the corresponding positive outcome from taking the Bach flower essence). Up to six flower essences can be used in one individual formula. It is good practice to seek the support of a registered practitioner to get your flower essence as accurate as possible.

Administration of Bach Flower essences is to take orally: Up to 4 drops, 4x per day (with at least one dose first thing in the AM and a dose last thing before bed PM). Can be dropped into the mouth directly (under the tongue), added to water (cold or hot).

Despondency or Despair:

Crab Apple -Obsessive and self disgust to self acceptance

Elm - Feeling overwhelmed to have the ability to be able to cope

Larch - Lack of confidence to find the Confidence to keep trying

Oak - Struggles on dutifully to Self-care and discernment

Pine - Self-recrimination to contentment and joy

Star of Bethlehem - Trauma, bereavement to Healing of old wounds

Sweet Chestnut - Deep anguish and despair to restore peace & faith in the future

Willow - Self-pity and bitterness to Forgiving


Aspen - For of unknown origin to inner peace

Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control to calm, rational thinking

Mimulus - Phobias and shyness to courage

Red Chestnut - Fear for loved ones to the ability to become relaxed, positive

Rock Rose - Terror and panic to presence of mind

Insufficient interest in present circumstances:

Clematis - Daydreams and fantasises to manifesting creativity

Chestnut Bud - Repeating mistakes to learns form experience

Honeysuckle - Homesick and lives in the past to moves forward in life

Olive - Exhaustion to restored strength

Mustard - Gloom of unknown origin to inner stability and joy

White Chestnut - Incessant thoughts to clear, positive thinking

Wild Rose - Apathy and resignation to engaged with life


Heather - Talkative about self to good listener

Impatiens - Impatient, irritated to patient and calm

Water Violet - Isolated to approachable and wise

Over-care for the welfare of others:

Beech - Intolerant and critical to tolerance and compassion

Chicory - Manipulative and possessive to loving and generous

Rock Water - Self-denial and perfectionist to flexible and accepting

Vervain - Zealous and opinionated to broadminded and inspiring

Vine - Controlling and forceful to wise leadership

Over-sensitive to influences and ideas:

Agrimony - Humour masking turmoil to peace of mind

Centaury - Unable to say ‘no’ to assertive with self-respect

Holly - Spite, anger, jealousy to unconditional love

Walnut - Challenging changes to protection and constancy


Cerato - Self doubt to certainty

Gentian - Discouraged by set backs to trust in life

Gorse - Hopeless and helpless to restores in faith and hope

Hornbeam - Procrastination to vitality and spontaneity

Scleranthus - Internalised indecision to steadfast and decisive

Wild Oat - Restlessness and clear purpose

** Crisis Formula OR Rescue Remedy contains: Rock Rose (Terror), Impatiens (Impatience), Star of Bethlehem (Shock), Clematis (Disconnectedness) and Cherry Plum (Losing control).

Want to know more? Use Bach Flower essences for yourself, a friend or family member? I offer consultations as a BFRP (Bach Flower Registered Practitioner) and would love to support you with your emotional/mental wellbeing. Consultations can be via ZOOM video calls or in person (when COVID levels allow - for NZ) click here to make an appointment:

Read more here (including for FREE pregnancy birth and postpartum booklet):

To seek support for your pets, please contact Liane Donovan (Registered Animal Homeopath) here:

Our thoughts and feelings are always in the equation. Everything is connected and nothing exists in isolation. Our emotions are the conduit for our feelings and thoughts that directly influence us in the body, in the now. - Lynne Macwhinnie